CURIOSITY: Dogs are double nosed and can detect cancer.

You may have two nostrils, but you surely only have one nose. Dogs are a slightly different story. Behind the big, wet pooch nose we all know and love is another organ that boosts sniff power. It's called Jacobson's organ, and you don't have one. If you did, you may be able to use it to detect cancer. It's no mystery that dogs have the gift of sniff. (We might not actually be too far behind a dog's sense of smell, but that's a different story.) Dogs have something of a second "nose" called the vomeronasal organ (VNO), or the Jacobson's organ. This second smelling device sits at the back of a dog's nasal passage, on the ready to detect pheromones and other compounds. This is a kind of accessory olfactory bulb with completely different neurons than the ones associated with the sense of smell, anthrozoologist John Bradshaw tells Slate.