
Stressed out? Here are tips to lower stress. Feel free to add yours.

Everyone feels stressed out sometimes, but if you don't keep your stress level in check, it could become overwhelming. Studies have shown the benefits of lowering stress , and that high levels of worry and stress can negatively impact your health. In 2010, researchers at the University of Rochester School of Medicine found that people with higher job stress also had a higher body mass index (BMI) than employees with less stressful positions. A 2006 study from Tel Aviv University in Israel showed that workers who experienced high stress levels were 1.8 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. And another 2006 study from the University of California at San Francisco showed that stress-triggered hormones could worsen or even cause skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema. 1. Try journaling Keeping a journal can lessen stress in several ways, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). When you're feeling frazzled, writing down your feelings makes you feel mor

Amazing! Cockroach milk could be a future superfood.

Disgusting as it may sound, a team of scientists believes that cockroach milk could be the superfood of the future. After sequencing a protein crystal found in a cockroach's midgut, the international team of scientists has found that its nutritional level is four times higher than cow's milk. The team thinks that cockroach milk could be a key player in feeding Earth's growing population. The majority of cockroach species do not produce the so-called milk. The Diploptera punctata (Pacific Beetle Cockroach) is the only known cockroach species that gives birth to their live young, and capable of producing this "milk" that contains the protein crystals the newborns eat. First off, the ability of an insect to produce milk is already a feat, but the fact that a single protein crystal contains energy that is more than three times that of buffalo milk in equivalent amount is more fascinating. The latter contains even higher caloric levels compared to dairy milk. Milki

Maybe now u got to increase your whole grain intake: facts about whole grains.

For many years, breads and pastas got a bad rap for being full of carbs. Many people, while trying to make their diets healthier, cut these items from their diet. Recently, breads and pastas are becoming popular again, but only when the label says they contain "whole grains." This label can be confusing, though, since many products label themselves as whole grain, when the product doesn't contain very much whole grain at all. Definition According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a product should contain intact, ground, cracked or flaked cereal grains that still contain their endosperm, germ and bran to be considered whole grain. Cereal grains include wheat, buckwheat, bulgur, corn amaranth, barley, millet, teff, triticale, quinoa, rice, rye, oats, sorghum and wild rice. The endosperm, germ and bran are the main anatomical components of a cereal grain. Including these parts in a food is including the whole grain, thus the name "whole grain" on produ

Why gymnasts are so flexible.

Gymnasts can do handsprings, splits, and flips with double twists — extraordinary feats of flexibility and strength that make their sport one of the most popular to watch during the Summer Olympics. But how are these athletes so incredibly flexible? Live Science spoke with Dr. Timothy Miller, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, to learn more. First off, it's important to note the gymnasts' ages, Miller said. Generations ago, Olympic female gymnasts were in their 20s and 30s, but that changed after 14-year-old Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci won three gold medals (along with one silver and one bronze) at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics, according to Live Strong. When a wave of younger gymnasts entered subsequent games, the International Federation of Gymnastics increased the age requirements, mainly because of health concerns for the girls, Live Strong said. Nowadays, female gymnasts must be at

Rio 2016: Infections people could get at the Olympics

The coastal waters around Rio de Janeiro, where many Olympic water competitions will soon take place, are reportedly teeming with harmful viruses and bacteria. So what illnesses might people catch if they swallow some of the water? A study of Rio's beaches commissioned by the Associated Press found much higher levels of viruses and markers for bacterial contamination in some cases than would be considered safe in the United States. The biggest concern for athletes, as well as beachgoers in general, will be the potential for infection with viruses, said Dr. Alisa Muñiz Crim, a gastroenterologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. Although bacteria such as E. coli are found in sewage and can make people sick, bacteria tend to break down in salt water, so there's a lower risk of bacterial infections, Muñiz Crim said. In contrast, "Viral organisms can persist in the salt water and the sand for days, weeks and months," Muñiz Crim told Live Science. The follo

Fitness and diet

No matter what your reason is for exercising — to strengthen your muscles, lose weight, increase your aerobic fitness or improve your mood — you likely want to get the most out of your workout. But is there a particular way to eat to maximize that performance? To answer this question, Live Science talked to several experts about what the science says, and looked at some of the most definitive studies on nutrition and exercise. It turns out there's no single best way to eat to be successful in your exercise goals. In fact, the vast majority of people who exercise do not need to eat anything special to support their exercise regimens, several experts said.  "When someone tells you there is a specific magic diet or specific magic supplement, it's cause for suspicion," said Dr. Michael Joyner, an exercise physiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. "For the vast majority of people who are working out less than an hour a day, it doesn't make a whol

Cancer: Facts and features

A good number of deadly cancers are not known to many. Some of these cancers do not kill in high numbers, but when someone is affected, they become a terminal disease. A terminal disease is a disease in which if an individual contacts, he should be ready for his eventual death at any moment onward. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Nigeria has the highest rate of cancer in Africa, with the figure possibly reaching about 13 million in 2030. Every year, 10,000 Nigerians die as a result of cancer-related deaths, while 250,000 new cases of cancer are recorded annually. The list of deadly cancers common among Nigerian men include: leukaemia (white blood cells cancers), lung, colorectal (colon), liver, prostrate, throat, among the rest. However, the four top cancers are: prostrate, liver and colon and breast cancer.  1. Prostrate In a research work published in Pan African Medical Journal in August 10, 2013, a study carried out in Lagos to find out the rate at which men