
Oregano tea: Not only for better menstruation.

Oregano tea is known for its effects for a better menstruation, this for its multiple medicinal properties. It is an infusion that can be cold or hot and can be consumed every day without problems. Oregano has anti-inflammatory, soothing, expectorant and digestive properties so it can contribute to the natural treatment of different health problems.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living - Putting It All Together

When it comes to health and well-being, there is almost always a reason. Very little can be attributed to coincidence or bad luck. Even unpredictable diseases like cancer do not necessarily strike at random. There is almost always something we have done that is part of the problem. If you are not in excellent health you may have overlooked something: you might have made a mistake. If you are afflicted with a preventable disease, then it is almost a certainty it has come about as a result of an unfortunate habit or two you have developed over the years. It is crucial to realize your mistakes, and as hard as it might be, take full responsibility for them.

Start a Career in Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

There is an immense chatter, stories, news and even movies about an automated future everywhere-a future of bots and robots-a bot of every kind and robots mimicking humans. Did you realize, why everything, everywhere the talks are flooded with these robots or should there be an attention towards this new keyword - Robotics Process Automation, which has crazily encircled the workplace.

Curiosity: Ever wondered what will happen if a helicopter engine fails in mid-air?

Helicopters are the nimble, wily cousins of airplanes. While that may seem like they're much more dangerous, that's not necessarily the case. In July 2015, Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted that a "helicopter whose engine fails is a brick." Then Twitter came in and did what Twitter does best: They roasted him with facts

Curiosity: How your brain fights your wight loss effort...

It is  hard to lose weight. 80 percent of people who lose weight regain it within a year. Many of those people may have done everything right, only to see the number on the scale creep back up in defiance. There's a reason for that. Your brain doesn't want you to lose weight, and it throws everything it can at the problem to keep it from happening.

You should sleep in a cold room; see why..

Whether you like to bundle up with several layers of blankets or sleep on a bare mattress exposed to the elements, there's no one right way to sleep. But if you're trying to maintain a healthy weight, there might be: research shows that sleeping in a cold room could help boost your metabolism and make you burn more calories, even during the day.

“Helper's high': Health benefits of Altruism.

Do you get a strange jolt of pleasure when you find the perfect gift for someone? What about when you volunteer to work for a shelter or donate money to your favorite charity? If you're not really the giving type, science says you should give it a shot.