
Fish and Kangaroo Machine: Analysing the novel anaerobic exercise machine and comparing test results with values obtained while using a bicycle

A healthy body, is the fastest route to a healthy mind and soul, healthy living is a product of a healthy body and a healthy mind, hence a healthy body is paramount. Permit me to say that I’ve lost track of the philosopher who said this… lol, but as a matter of fact, his claim is the closest thing to perfection. Keeping a fit body is thus a vital aspect of our everyday life, and despite our very tight schedules we struggle hard to make out time and exercise our body tissues, organs and system. While we perceive these activities as just exercising the MUSCLES , it goes far beyond this and extends to our internal organs and the body system, and just as the introductory quote rightfully said, a healthy body begets a healthy mind and soul , body exercises also strengthens our mind, arguably anyways, but our Yoga team can always testify to this fact, flexibility is not just a physical phenomenon, it is also an attitude. Very popular ways of keeping fit includes, jogging, weight lift...

Pascal coin: The Unicorn cryptocurrency.

Image source The idea of cryptocurrency have matured from a mere proposal to a very important part of the global money and value market, with the outrageous bull trend of 2017 seeing the first traded cryptocurrency —bitcoin rising to nearly $20,000, the cryptocurrency universe have made a strong statement in the global business sector with several other alternative cryptocurrencies which makes up the vast crypto universe in what stands to be the future of money and an incredible store of value.

Heavy metal toxicity and the ALMs your should be scared of.

Millions of years ago, man had only little influence on the environment, the could only till the land to get what he eats, these foods he processed in a way which could be described as crude when compared to our contemporary food processing method and these foods were taken in a form which was as natural as possible. Little attempts were made towards complete processing of these foods while some of them were eaten raw. A food processing industry. Source: Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.

Proteins: Exceeding the scope of ‘Foods’

Cell sustenance is a phrase coined to denote the several mechanisms and actions employed by the cells to maintain its normal form and to enable the continuity of it’s functions. Cell sustenance encompasses the various means undertaken by the cells to protect itself as a whole and the individual organelles which makes it up as an injury to any of the vital organelles of the cell eventually leads to the destruction of the cell. Cells are the basic functional unit of life; this is a relatively simplified definition of a cell, yet the most complex definition. Every life constitutes of a cell, this term has also been used in several other disciplines to connote the simpler units which makes up a more complex object which is not necessarily a living thing. ‘Functional unit of life ’, this is so, not only because the cell perform every action attributed to a living thing, but also because every action of our a living thing can be explained in terms of the functions of the individual ...

Diabetes mellitus: A permanent cure might soon be at hand

Decades of committed research has demystified the concept of human nutrition and the series of processes which the chunks of semi-solid foods we consume and the liquids we take get to be utilized by the body to bring about the comfort we feel after taking them in a process known as metabolism .

Technological Advancement in Health Communication in Less Developed Countries

Direct communication in health care can take place via forms of social media such as Skype, zoom and video conferencing. Traditional forms of communication such as telephone, notes and letters can continue to be used for information sharing between health providers and patients. For example, doctors and patients can text and send messages to one another. It is imperative that social media messaging be used to reduce the time taken to obtain knowledge on patient condition and general wellbeing.

Constipation in new born babies: The way out.

She was only seven days old. 'For three days, my baby has not passed stools,' the mother said, anxiously. The infant squirmed in discomfort and strained to the point of turning red. She had been on baby formula since birth. While in the hospital she had passed stool regularly every day, mostly after each feed, sometimes several times a day, until three days ago when suddenly she stopped moving her bowels and had been mostly crying and uncomfortable. While the baby was on the examination table, and after I had watched and saw how uncomfortable she was, twisting her abdomen from side to side, I knew I had to intervene to relieve her of the discomfort.