Heavy metal toxicity and the ALMs your should be scared of.
A food processing industry. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
This is only an instance of how science have developed all aspects of human life, man has not only come in close contact with foreign things in the ecosystem, he has also devised techniques to manipulate these foreign things to suit him. On the advantages, these developments have enriched life and have made human existence much more easier and valuable.
On the other hand however, this continued exposure to some aspect of the ecosystem have proven detrimental to human existence.

Iron is an essential constituent of haem which forms haemoglobin. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Just like drugs however, a pharmacological substance with high efficacy and potency should be consumed in a small quantity relative to their efficacy and potency, this is to prevent their accumulation and the resultant toxicity.
Drugs and metals are foreign to the body and hence are metabolized via a common pathway hence their adverse effects in case of traumatic accumulation is felt by the same organs, which includes the kidney, live and gastrointestinal tract.
The ALMs

the periodic table. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Metals vary in certain chemical and physical properties such as in their atomic numbers, densities and atomic weight, this variation is the basis of their differentiation into heavy and light metals, while heavy metals are known to be metals of high density, atomic number and atomic weight, light metals have relatively smaller density and atomic weight and number.
Heavy metals are scarce on earth crust when compared to the light metals, this is probably due to inertness, hence little reactive abilities. These heavy metals are contemporarily more common due to modernization and enhanced scientific research, thus the increased exposure to these metals.
As already stated, the effect of these metals in the human body may be of importance in the case of zinc, cobalt, and iron, or harmless such as in silver and indium. But in high amount, these metals are toxic to the body, traumatic accumulation of heavy metals in the body is the sole cause of heavy metal poisoning. Humans are exposed to high amount of heavy metals through paints, industrial wastes, agricultural run off or due to their occupation as individuals working in these industries are also exposed to the greatest amount of these metals.
Arsenic, mercury and lead are the heavy metals of most medically reported cases of toxic accumulation in many countries, they make up the ALMs.
ON JANUARY 3 2013, a lady who had died after consuming a large amount of shrimp had reportedly died due to arsenic poisoning, this is sequel to researches by scientists at the University of Chicago in the United States which revealed that foods such as soft shelled mollusks like shrimp contains much higher quantities of five potassium arsenic compounds. The deceased however suffered from this condition due to the reaction of the arsenic contained in shrimps with the vitamin which she routinely consumed.

electron shell of arsenic. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Arsenic poisoning however, results only when these elements accumulates in high quantity as the element has been found to be essential in trace quantity in certain mammals such as hamsters. Acute arsenic poisoning may show symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and encephalopathy. Chronic arsenic poisoning may result in cancer, thickening of the skin which also appears to be darker, abdominal and heart diseases, numbness have also been reported in some cases.

lead. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.

The disappearance of ducks was due to the unhealthy environmental condition. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Lead is a soft malleable metal with a low melting point and an atomic number of 82,it is amphoteric and hence can react with acids and bases, it’s low melting point and ductility have seen lead being used in many industrial and construction processes such as in production of alloy, paints, radiation shields, solder and in plumbing.
Lead however is a neurotoxin that accumulates in the bones and soft tissues causing blood disorders and damages to the nervous system and may cause permanent brain damage. This is caused by much accumulation in the body. Lead poisoning may also lead to infertility and intellectual disabilities in children. Death have also been reported in severe cases due to anaemia, seizures and the already mentioned symptoms.

electron shell of mercury. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.

A mercury-in glass thermometer. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Unfortunately, mercury is highly toxic humans and the physical environment, recent time human activities have increased the level of mercury in the environment, this has become a major worry for the World health institutions as exposure to this high level of mercury causes vision or hearing problems, infertility, heart, kidney and respiratory problems.
Increased level of mercury may be due to human activities such as mining, cement production, coal combustion, improper disposal of mercury containing products and improper waste management, there is a high level of these activities in Nigeria and hence the alarming increasing risk and cases of mercury poisoning in this region because this leads to inhalation of mercury vapor or ingestion of soluble forms of mercury.
Throughout the course of this article, you must have understood that the accumulation of high levels of heavy metals is the sole cause of metal toxicity, but these metals do not just accumulate, they exhibit some action which disturbs the normal functioning of the body system.
The metals mimic the action of essential elements in the body and compete with these elements, such as calcium and zinc to move through membrane channels in free ionic form, hence these metals are distributed and deposited at these organs instead of the supposed elements, but these metals can not perform the actions done by the normal elements, hence they accumulate in these organs and the organ suffers not only due to the blocking action of the heavy metals but also due to the deficiency of the normal elements which should be supplied to them instead of the heavy metals. Heavy metals may also cause disruption of enzyme activity by binding to sulphydryl groups and also to oxygen and nitrogen.
Before now, heavy metal poisoning isn’t a popular medical condition, but due to increased exposure, the frequency of reported medical cases of toxic accumulation of heavy metals have increased over time, one’s occupation may place him/her at high risk of heavy metal poisoning especially ones working in industries as these metals are used more in industries and hence are increased chances of life-threatening contact with them, lead is used in the production of paints, batteries and fire arms and also in road construction and in metallurgical industries, arsenic is used in the production of insecticides, pesticides and herbicides while mercury is an important constituents of thermometers, X-ray machines and vacuum pumps, hence workers in the companies where these products are being manufactured and used runs a high risk of ingesting or inhaling these metals in a traumatizing quantity.

certain kinds of industrial occupation predisposes one to metal poisoning. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
The ability to absorb heavy metals decreases with age, hence younger people tend to absorb a higher percentage of heavy metal which they are exposed to, children between the age of 3-12 can absorb up to 50% of the heavy metals they are exposed to, this decreases as one gets older.
The chances of being poisoned by these heavy metals increases with the amount absorbed, this entails that people who absorb more heavy metals run more risks of metal poisoning, thus children who have more absorbing abilities are more likely to suffer from metal poisoning than the adults who are exposed to the same quantity of toxic metals. This is evidenced in the higher number of reported cases of children suffering from metal toxicity than adults.

plastic pipes are safer than lead pipes for water supply schemes Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Lead pipes used in distribution of water to homes should be replaced with the much safer plastic pipes. These measure are already in place, but while we struggle to adhere to these measures, more routes of metal poisoning are only increasing as much amount of heavy metals have already been deposited and it will only take time before these deposited amount of heavy metals gets into the human system through some human activities which enhances their spread.
Chelation therapy have proven functional in the treatment of confirmed cases of metal poisoning, but this produces a better result in patients who have been exposed to these metals doe only a short period of time as chelation therapy for long time exposure have shown only a little effect.

chelation by EDTA. Source:Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0.
Chelation therapy should be performed with high professionalism and medic supervision as this process also exposes the patient to risk of cancer, neurodevelopmental toxicity and death in severe cases due to inappropriate administration. Chelation therapy can also affect other essential metallic elements in the body such as calcium in the same way it prevents the utilization of these heavy metals by the body tissues and organs.
1Heavy metal poisoning ~NORD
2.Heavy metals~wikipedia
3.Heavy metal toxicity~medscape
4.metal toxicity~wikipedia
5.Beware of Arsenic poisoning in foods
6.lead poisoning investigation in Northern Nigeria
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