Things Every Blog Beginners Must Know Before KickStarting A Blog .

1 - Know Why You Want to blog: There is more to this other than that, ''i just wanted to make money''.
2 - You need to become a writer: if you detest writing, am sorry to dissappoint you that blogging might not works for you and maybe you should go for something else. Because the different between a website and a blog is A R T I C L E S!
3 - Platform of Choice - Wordpress and Blogger are not the only blogging platform out there but they are the most populous. Find time to sit and ruminate on the one you can use (depending on personal, financial, and other reasons)
4 - Not all that Glitters are Gold: Your friend tells you once you creates a blog, you can use BLACKHAT to start ranking on search engine, to earn money, to acquire adsense, blah blah blah. Believe my brother, all these might burn your hand at the end
5 - Read Other's Blog too: If you want to learn more, earn more, get better exposure, connect more, then you need to READ AND COMMENT ON OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOG.


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