This will make your internet usage better: tips for using internet and social media.

  Everyone makes use of the ICT in our everyday activities. As we interact with others who might be familiar or not, here are tips to help you make your web experience enjoyable and free of controversy:

1. Respect what other people are saying on social media, even if you do not agree with them: the social media is a platform for information dissemination and also a unique opportunity to share ideas and meet up with people who holds the same view as you do. Now, there comes that particular time when someone comes up with ideas which may seem crude or thoughtless to you maybe because it is contrary to what you think is true or right. Being a good social network user or internet used includes how you handle these information. Try to hide your hatred for things you see on the internet even you are correcting this view, ensure neutrality and make sure your dislike doesn't reflect on the way you make your points.
2. Don't share personal information like your address, phone number or bank details: Internet and social media are also 'no man's land,this makes it a home for everyone, the good, the bad, and the ugly, this suggests that the information you give out should be trimmed, especially when it is about you in person. This is a security tip as it ensures your safety while your surf through the internet and your world of discoveries. Important personal information such as ur residential address, contact number, bank details and also passwords to your different profiles and belongings shouldn't be readily released to people of obscure familiarity.
3. Be careful when buying something online - only buy from trustworthy websites: Buy from trustworthy websites, trustworthy websites are websites of proven and confirmed integrity, your ability to detect healthy websites and transact with them protects you from being scammed over the internet by unknown people.
Now, trustworthy websites are clear with there transactions and presents well explained terms and conditions with little ambiguity, try as much as possible to note sites like this and also be able to distinguish them from the scamming sites. This will ensure your economic security while you surf the web.
4. Be careful of anything that is free online - this could be a scam. Only download from websites
that are trustworthy: Believe me, most good things rarely comes free of charge,while you surf the web, never hesitate to scrutinize the genuity of any freebie you see on the internet, this is because,scammers always employ the greed and love for free things seen in most users in planning their tricks, they thus present their prey with sweet baits in form of false promises of gifts or favour while demanding a token from them. These things are rarely genuine, therefore, endeavour to check the possibility of the promises. This is also a financial security tip.
Also beware of your download sites in order to avoid sites that transfer fatal viruses and bug to the devices that download from them. This will help secure you device as you surf the web.
5. Remember even free downloads can cost you
money because they use data/ airtime: this tip explains itself, free downloads are Just free in the fact that you don't pay before you download, but the internet charges for downloads are separate from the price you pay to get access to an application of any download.
6. You can change the privacy settings on your social media platforms to help you control who sees your information and photos: This is in compliance with the second tip, ensure your customize you privacy by giving others access to only less tactical details and information about yourself. This will save you from people who trying to obtain information about you without your permission.
7. Don’t believe everything you read online the first time - search for other trustworthy articles, websites or people to see what they are saying: As already stated in the first tip, the internet is made of different people sharing their own different views on a particular issue. Therefore take time to make extra findings on any fact you stumble upon. By so doing you work with well investigated facts and also avoid disseminating false facts.
8. You have the right to privacy - and so do others. It is not okay to log into other people’s accounts or to use their phones or profiles without their permission: Everyone is entitled to their own personal privacy, as you  protect your privacy, don't also peep into another user's own privacy and even when you accidentally get to know it, be careful with the way you handle them to avoid privacy violation.
9. Don’t spread rumors or post/share hurtful or embarrassing stories or photos.Things that may seem funny can hurt someone: This is also in line with eighth tip. Be careful not to divulge people's stories and secrets over the web as they might find it offensive or hurtful.
10. Think twice before you click ‘send’ - especially if you’re upset or angry. Once you share a photo or a video it is hard to control what happens to it and who sees it: Your ability to control your emotions while chatting also makes you a super user. Try not to let how you feel affect the text you send to people especially when they are not aware of this emotion.

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